New battery training course at AFPI FORMATION: congratulations to our experts!

4 of our employees, Dylan Guilluy, Mathieu Majchrzak, Nicolas Hermand and Olivier Kubiak, have successfully completed an intensive battery training course at AFPI FORMATION. The training took place over three days and lasted a total of 21 hours: a step towards strengthening our skills and expertise in the field of batteries.

Thanks to their commitment, our employees not only obtained the favourable approval of the training manager, but also received a B1TL-B2TL electrical qualification from our company. This recognition attests to their ability to carry out live work on battery packs in complete safety, particularly when the voltage exceeds 60V and/or the capacity is greater than 275 Ah.

The training programme covered various essential aspects, including battery technology, checking prerequisites, compliance with standard NF C18-550, the basic principles of live working, emerging battery technologies, live working operations, as well as practical applications such as work preparation, maintenance of terminals and bare connections, replacement of battery cells, management of work leader changes and management of work interruptions.
The training provided an opportunity fo

r our employees to acquire new skills, deepen their knowledge and enhance their ability to intervene effectively and safely in their working environment.
Congratulations to Dylan, Mathieu, Nicolas and Olivier and thank you for your commitment to safety.

With this in mind, every 3 years all our staff will undergo a half-day awareness-raising course on the use and handling of fire extinguishers adapted to batteries, in order to ensure the safety and prevention of risks associated with this equipment.

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